Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Email Marketing Benchmarks for Automotive from eMarketer and IBM

2015 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study

Silverpop's annual report of email marketing benchmarks is back, offering automotive marketers 15-plus open, click-through and list churn metrics to pore over and delivering more visuals and observations than ever. This year's study turned up a few surprise findings among the statistics generated by nearly 750 companies worldwide:

Transactional messages continue to generate much higher customer engagement than broadcast email.

Transactional emails performed markedly better than nontransactionals, particularly those sent by the top quartile of companies. These generated a 72 percent open rate and a 30 percent click rate. The statistics underscore their importance as part of an effective email program.

Companies representing Computer Hardware and Telecommunications, Corporate Services, Insurance, Hospitals/ Health Care and Consumer Products performed consistently better than others this year.

Content marketing is likely one of the factors that helped propel the Computer Hardware and Corporate Services verticals to the top. These B2B companies typically send value-added email newsletters that give subscribers reasons to open, click and retain for further reading with content such as industry news, best practices, case studies and tips.

Although each one might not have "led the league" on each metric each time, across all measurements they were regularly among the top three. Emails in these categories generally are more likely to be personalized to the subscribers or to contain highly relevant information, which leads to higher opens and clicks as well as more opens per opener and clicks per clicker.

These are some of the most relevant emails car dealers, ad associations and OEM's can send because they speak to actions your customers have taken and represent another avenue to broaden engagement with the dealer or car company.

One factor that distinguishes Silverpop's annual benchmark survey is that it goes beyond simply reporting statistics to look at how the auto industry compares to other verticals on email marketing performances. The full report notes the verticals which outperformed others most frequently on most metrics.

Silverpop, An IBM Company
 2015 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study 
 See how you measure up across 19 open, click-through and list churn metrics. 
Download Now

 Looking to improve email performance, but unsure how you compare to your peers? Without competitor data, gauging where you stand can be difficult.Download 

 With the exclusive "2015 Email Marketing Metrics Benchmark Study," this key industry data - and much more - is at your fingertips. Discover how you measure up across more than 15 open, click-through and list churn metrics, plus get insights on: 
  • Deeper metrics, such as click-to-open rate and transactional message data
  • International comparisons from across the world
  • Benchmarks beyond "average," including median and top-performing quartiles
  • How you can use this data to improve your email program

Download Study
Sent from @RalphPaglia's iPad 

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